Soup Gallery

SOUP: Turtle
Ingredients; plastic turtles that have circled & existed in the North Pacific Gyre for 16 years, as a result of twelve shipping containers carrying 28,800 childrens bath toys that washed overboard from the ship 'Evergreen Ever Laurel' on 10 January 1992. Additives; ducks, beavers & frogs.

SOUP: Translucent
Ingredlients; translucent plastic debris.

SOUP: Alphabet
Ingredients; plastic debris that includes surface text. (Ironic random arrangement of 4 pieces of debris suggests a warning, 'Sea', 'AND', 'HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES', 'FOUL'.

SOUP: Burnt
Ingredients; all plastics partially burnt.

SOUP: Nurdles
Ingredients; nurdle pellets, the industrial raw material of plastic collected from six different beaches. Nurdles are also known as 'Mermaids Tears'

SOUP: Bird's Nest
Ingredients; discarded fishing line that has formed nest-like balls due to tidal oceanic movement. Additives; other debris collected in its path.

SOUP: Fragmented Cups
Ingredients; single-use plastic cups.

SOUP: Tomato
Ingredients; red plastic debris.

SOUP: Refused
Ingredients; marine plastic debris affected by the chewing & attempted ingestion by animals. Includes; toothpaste tube. Additives; teeth from animals.

SOUP: Ruinous Remembrance
Ingredients; plastic flowers, leaves, stems & fishing line. Additives; bones, skulls feathers & fish. Recovered from a one metre square area of shoreline on Spurn Point Nature Reserve, England

SOUP: 500+
Ingredients; representing more than 500 pieces of plastic debris found in the digestive tract of an albatross chick in the North Pacific Gyre. Unlike earlier images in the SOUP series this compact arrangement of debris represents the accumulation inside an affected creature.