‘Sea of Artifacts’ - Fotografiska, Tallinn, Estonia, 15 November 2019 - 9 February 2020
‘Sea of Artifacts’ - Fotografiska, Stockholm, Sweden, 8 June - 25 August 2019
Fotografiska is one of the world’s largest meeting places for contemporary photography. In this presentation the work is lit with spotlights that enhance the feeling of viewing the recovered collections of plastic from under the sea. In the Beyond Drifting room, pages from a sketchbook cover the entire wall and literally reflect the research and ideas onto the glass specimen display cases below. In the PENALTY room you are fully immersed in the series and theme of football, standing on individual recovered marine plastic debris balls, and seeing them in large scale presentations of ‘The World’ or ‘Europe’ on the wall.
Also presented in a display case at the exhibition is a cassette mixtape with a unique playlist of recorded songs from 1993, recovered from the coast of Spain on 1st August 2017. What are the chances that a random member of the public visiting the exhibition from Berlin, recognised the mix tape as being her own, having recorded the songs herself 25 years ago? - the incredible Sea… of Artifacts.
Full story about the cassette mixtape published by the world’s media in over 20 different countries on 14 February 2020
‘Planet or Plastic?’ National Geographic - Santa Maria della Vita, Bologna, Italy, 12 April - 22 September 2019
The exhibition ‘Planet or Plastic’ is presented in the sanctuary of Santa Maria della Vita, a late-Baroque-style, Roman Catholic church in central Bologna. An incredible opportunity with National Geographic to display my work alongside outstanding architecture and incredible history, and to think back to a time when plastic was not an option.
‘ALTERED OCEAN’ - The Royal Photographic Society House, Bristol, England 4th April - 23 June 2019
The first solo exhibition to be held at the new RPS House Gallery presents the chronological journey of my work over the past 10 years. A display of marine plastic debris objects intrigue the viewer through the diversity of what has actually be recovered from the sea. Sketchbooks that detail initial ideas and concepts behind two images, are displayed in-between the final large-scale prints, that are presented on opposing walls. A short film showing the process and recovery of objects for the series, Hong Kong Soup:1826, also accompanies this unique presentation.
‘OUR PLASTIC OCEAN’ - Impressions Gallery of Photography, England, United Kingdom, 28 June - 21 September 2019
Alongside photographs spanning the past 10 years, the exhibition includes part of Kamilo beach in Hawaii, that has been transported to the Impressions Gallery. Presented in a long vitrine re-creates this densely plastic polluted beach that borders the North Pacific Ocean, allowing the viewers to see first-hand plastic literally washed up by the tide, including containers bitten by sharks and turtles.
Included for the first time in an exhibition, is a small collection of the actual 769 marine debris footballs that were recovered and posted from around the world by members of the public for the series, PENALTY - these are displayed in nets that hang from the ceiling to further engage with the series and issue.
Also announced at the opening of this exhibition and presented for the first time, in collaboration with Stanford University, is the launch of the virtual reality experience, ‘Ripple: the unintended life of plastics in the sea’. This experience, which uses 4 images, allows my work to be viewed three dimensionally, and at 360 degrees, to encourage the viewer to become involved in an extraordinary way, and in a way that perhaps a print is not able to do.
GETXOPHOTO International Image Festival, , Getxo, Bilbao, Spain, 31 August - 1 October 2017
Images displayed on the outside of shipping containers on Ereaga Beach, Getxo, as part of GetxoPhoto - in front of the city to engage with the local community, tourists enjoying the beach, and international photography visitors.
Hamburg Triennial of Photography [ENTER] Deichtorhallen Square, Hamburg, Germany, 7 - 17 June 2019
Exhibition inside a shipping container - THE SAND UNDER YOUR FEET - is to reflect that you are standing on a beach looking out to sea at images of marine plastic pollution. The ‘beach’ you are standing on is contaminated with microplastic particles, recovered from the North Pacific Ocean.